Many years ago, the attic was a place where we stored our old stuff, and tools, old pictures, broken toys, it was a dark, mostly untidy place, but now in many homes, the attic has become the favorite part of the home. In some homes, the attic is a small comfortable room with a wonderful view of the area. Other homeowners have turned the attic into a playroom for their children. Best of all, if you do yoga, the seclusion of the attic makes it a perfect place to experience your yoga meditation.
Attic windows and skylights – problems and fixes
One of the most fascinating feature in every attic is the window. Some attics have more than one window; however, you will commonly spot attics and skylights with just one large window which is large enough to allow adequate natural light into the room. Most architects position the attic window to allow the early morning sunlight come into the room. The attic window is frequently used during summer when opened; it is a great source of ventilation because the attic receives direct sunrays hence it can become quite hot during the summer. However, during winter, some homeowners may experience some issues such as leaks, broken hinges which happened during the summer, other issues include broken window glass.
These issues need to be fixed to prevent further damage. In older homes, attic windows that have not been checked for a long time need to be assessed before new owners move in especially during winter. If the windows are broken, you can engage the services of professional window technicians in Chicago to replace glass in windows. This will keep out the cold winds during winter nights. Other issues such as broken edges, broken hinges, and worn-out glazing putty can be restored. The size of the attic windows makes them prone to wear since they are frequently used. However, with the services of an experienced skylights and attic windows repair and restoration service in Chicago, you can enjoy using your attic windows during the summer and spring while keeping the harsh weather out during winter.