Window repair in Glencoe
Window repairs are not as much of a hassle as you may think. A homeowners’ nightmare just may turn out to be a smooth, efficient process that will leave your home with beautiful new windows. Our company offers a full range of services in this segment, from annual window maintenance and minor repairs to full-scale window and door restoration in Chicago.
Certain small steps may be taken before calling for professional help in window repairs. Here is a small selection of some of the numerous things to check for and deal with that may resolve the issues that you are having.
Double-hung window sash won’t stay up
It’s likely that the chain or the cord that’s linked to the weight is broken. Repairing it is not particularly hard, but accessing the parts may be challenging. Old paint needs to be removed carefully before any work is done.
The sash is tilted out of the frame in order to gain access to the bottom of the spiral balance. Tension is then adjusted or the balance is replaced as needed.
Casement window sticks when opening and closing
Clean and lubricate the operator, or replace metal elements if needed. An old toothbrush may be used to make sure that you get to all the small parts.
Rough-gliding slider window
This problem most often occurs due to the dirt or small objects in the bottom track, which is easily cleaned out. Sometimes a catch needs to be replaced, and while replacing it is perfectly doable, finding the replacement part may pose a problem.
Drafty windows
The simplest step to take is caulking and glazing a window, and if that doesn’t work – consider other, more expensive and complicated methods that will likely require calling in the professionals. Removing old putty and apply new glazing compound.
Window Quality Works is a company that has already built up a reputation in window repairs in Glencoe. If you find that your window repair and restoration needs exceed your handyman capabilities, call on us, and we’ll suggest the best way to deal with your particular situation.