Regardless of quality, at a certain point all wooden windows succumb to rot. It may not happen as fast with high-quality wood and thorough finish, but eventually it will. That’s why all windows require mandatory annual examination and maintenance.
Double pane windows are traditionally considered a lifesaver in terms of energy saving (which equals money saving in this case), thus adding to the home resale value. Are they as energy-efficient as they are proclaimed to be?
Door garage repair is almost always an emergency – you either need to get in or get out, and all of a sudden there’s no way of doing it. Fortunately, the range of problems that you may encounter with your garage doors is fairly limited.
Sound pollution, just like light and information pollution, has become a part of our lives. Too much noise is especially irritating after a day of work, so we’ve noticed that soundproofing and noise reduction is a frequent request among
If you’re searching for ‘window frame repair near me in Chicago’, you are most probably experiencing some sort of trouble with your windows and wondering how to go about fixing it.
Residential window repair near me is a way to deal with many issues – improve the appearance of your home from both inside and outside, allow more light inside the rooms, secure windows against the elements,
Rot is the plague of all wood windows. The rate at which it spreads is affected by numerous factors – the main being the humidity in the climate zone that you live in, how well they are maintained.
Are you troubled by the annoying moisture agglomerating inside your windows? Forget expensive window replacements!
The most common types of windows in American residential buildings are
Our wood window repair specialist team encounters a variety of problems related to the windows and related accessories on a regular basis.